There are five categories:
Category I: Parents, grandparents, court-ordered custodians, persons claiming the Beneficiary as a dependent on their federal income tax return, if, at the time the Account Application is submitted, the Account Owner or Beneficiary is a resident of the state.
Category II: A person or persons determined by the administering agency to be a Member of the Family of the Beneficiary and, at the
time the Account Application is submitted, the Account Owner or Beneficiary is a resident of the state. Members of the family include
adults related to the Beneficiary as brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, spouses, in-laws, step-parents and step-siblings.
Category III: Any other person and, at the time the Account Application is submitted, the beneficiary is a resident of this state.
Category IV: Any other person who, at the time the Account Application is submitted, is a resident of the state and the Beneficiary
is not a resident of the state.
Category V: Any other person or Legal Entity or any government entity, and at the time of the submission of the Account Application:
(i) The Beneficiary is a resident of the state.
(ii) The federal adjusted income of the Beneficiarys family is less than $30,000 or the Beneficiary is eligible for a free
lunch under the Richard B. Russell National School Act (42 U.S.C. 1751 et seq.).
(iii) The Beneficiary is not a member of the Account Owners family or a member of the family of any member or employee of